Wednesday, June 1, 2005

MN Constitutional Marriage Amendment Re-Introduced

If you haven't already figured it out, I am very passionate about GLBT rights and issues. The Human Rights Campaign and Outfront MN are two organizations that I highly support.

Below is a copy of Outfront MN's recent action alert email. The House of Reps just re-introduced the marriage amendment bill. It may not be likely that it will actually be voted on, considering the plethora of other pressing issues that needs to be resolved in the special session, but it is still important to voice our opinions to our legistlators.

For more info on Outfront MN, go to

Constitutional Amendment Re-introduced in Special Session

On Thursday, May 26th, the Minnesota House of Representatives re-introduced the constitutional amendment to bar all legal recognition of same-sex couples. Bills from the regular session that do not pass in both the House and Senate do not carry over into special session. Any bill to be considered during the special session must be reintroduced. The supporters re-introduced the anti-marriage amendment to ensure that the constitutional amendment is included in the debate as the House, Senate, and Governor attempt to reach conclusion on a number of pressing issues.

Two different authors introduced bills containing the same language on Thursday: House File (HF) 8 and HF12. The language and scope of HF8 and HF12 are identical to the anti-marriage amendment that passed the House on March 31st by a 77 to 56 vote. The amendments being discussed would deny all legal recognition to same-sex couples and their families, including marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships.

Once again, legislators need to hear from Minnesotans who are opposed to discrimination and believe that the Constitution should never be used to enshrine second-class status for GLBT people or anyone else.

Take Action!!
Call or email
your legislators with the following message: "Please oppose the constitutional amendment to ban civil unions, marriage, and all other forms of legal protection for same-sex couples. This amendment mandates discrimination for some of Minnesota families and it distracts legislators from reaching resolution on pressing issues that affect the quality of life for all of our state's families."
Help us get the word out to others. Forward this message to your friends.
The HF 8 authors:
Rep. Mike Beard (R-Shakopee)

Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Delano)
Rep. Sondra Erickson (R-Princeton)
Rep. Mary Liz Holberg (R-Lakeville)
Rep. Dan Severson (R-Sauk Rapids)
Rep. Judy Soderstrom (R-Mora)
Rep. Lynn Wardlow (R-Eagan)

HF 12 authors:
Rep. Larry Howes (R-Walker)

Rep. Jim Knoblach (R-St. Cloud)
Rep. Phil Krinkie (R-Shorview)
Rep. Andy Westerberg (R-Blaine)

All for now, Toodelz!

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