Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Treehugger from the start

Trees are cool, I may have mentioned that already. I recently had an opportunity to help the organization that I work for plant some trees at local schools. It's a neat concept - work with the students, teach them how to plant a tree, and subsequently plant dozens of trees in the school yard, to create outdoor learning areas and a more beautiful and natural landscape. Anyways, during such events I am reminded of how much I love getting my hands in the dirt and helping to plant a life form that will grow and enrich the environment and beings around it. My little apartment balcony-turned-garden of assorted plants and flowers does the job, but there is nothing like planting a tree.

Here's a photo of me from back in the day. I just planted my very own tree (Ok fine, I had some assistance from Grandpa, but the plastic bucket and shovel is ALL mine). To this day, the tree still stands. While we have since moved and no longer live on the property the tree was planted, I still drive by my old backyard every once in a while to see 'my tree'. Every year it is a bigger, bolder, and stronger version of it's previous self. It has now become a substantial refuge and home for birds, squirrels, and other furry friends, as well as the home to one of my most cherised childhood memories.

If I could go and give that tree a big hug, I would. (I don't, for fear of the fact that I would be tresspassing on some new family's backyard, groping a tree, and that would be kinda creepy), but I get to drive by from time to time and admire from afar. And every time, I am reminded of the proud sense of accomplishment and awe I felt that very morning I planted the tree.

Moral of the story: Parents, plant a tree with your kids. It will provide for many great memories, time to bond as a family, and teach your kids (and yourself) about the awesomeness that is the world around us. I still look back on that day, and on that tree, with smile.

Do it for the children, and do it for the trees. Everybody wins!