Thursday, June 30, 2005
Stupid dumbsh*t godd*mn motherf*cking MN GOVT
I am, however, very saddened and dissapointed that such a day has come. The core function of goverment is to represent the people, and represent them efficiently and fairly. This session has turned into an utter failure of goverment. Never in state history have we come to this point. Unfourtuatly, this evening will set a precedent and open the locked door of special sessions and state goverment shutdown to future sessions.
Nine times out of the past 11 years, MN has had to go into special session to resolve the differences of the representatives in running our state. Unfourtunatly, each year that our legislative year overflows into a special session we have allowed our legistlators and representatives too much leniancy and have esentially given them the permission to test our limits. What has all this come to? Does this prove that as a state, the people of MN have no limits?
While we cannot reverse the decisions that have been made this session, we can at least put in our damn best efforts to prevent such failure of government in the future. During this evening I have come to learn that it is not, in fact, the representatives of the people of MN but the PEOPLE themselves that have the power and the responsibility to prevent such utter failure in the future.
I passionatley plead you to excersise the muscle of your citizenship and show our state representatives what is truly important to the state of MN.
Hang in there. It can only get better from here on out....
Monday, June 27, 2005
My Ode to the Internet
When you stop to think about it, it really is quite amazing how much life has changed in the past 10 years because of the internet becoming wide-stream. Do you remember life without email, online news and weather, chat rooms, blogs, and E-bay? People have developed hobbies, friendships, relationships, even MARRIAGES, careers, education,new vocabulary, and so much more, all due to the internet in the past 10 years.
I remember my personal introduction to the internet: my parents bought a computer when I was in 8th grade. Shortly afterward, we connected to America Online. I discovered email, chat rooms, and online encyclopedias (great for those high school research papers!)
Before college I bought my own computer and discovered music downloads. I went off to college and developed my daily habit of reading news online, checking the weather, tracking my finances, and viewing my friend's websites. Soon I was shopping online and even created my own webpage. Today, I spend a large amount of my time online. I email for work and for personal use, and use an online-based database for my work, I search the internet for information, and I blog.
Happy surfing!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
A loss for property owners
I found Justice O'Connor's dissent very mindful: "Any property may now be taken for the benefit of another private party, but the fallout from this decision will not be random," O'Connor wrote. "The beneficiaries are likely to be those citizens with disproportionate influence and power in the political process, including large corporations and development firms."
In my opinion, the ruling is a loss for American land-owners. Moreover, it sets a dangerous precedent of favoring private economic interests at the cost of the greater American public, and is justified through overly-loose and inaccurate interpretation of the Constitution.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Ikea will ruin your marriage!
There hasn't been a more amusing interactive robot than Ikea's Anna since the Ok-Soda hotline!
AFI's top 100 movie quotes of all time
Curious what they are? Go to the AFI's website at, or to CNN's reprint of the list at
I'm curious what your favorite movie quotes are! Post a comment!
You didn't think you'd get away without reading a list of MY favorites, did you? :)
Here are some of them, as if it's not obvious enough already!
1. "No.......Yeeesss!" - Night at the Roxbury
2. "Friggin IDIOT!" - Napolean Dynamite
3. "Whats Up? ......2, 3, 4. Whats Up? ... 2, 3, 4." - Night at the Roxbury
4. "Let me tell you something, my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane." - The Shawshank Redemption
5. "I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up DOES rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend. " - The Shawshank Redemption
6. "Rock stars have kidnapped my son!" - Almost Famous
7. "Say 'ello to my little friend!" - Scarface
8. "You must be the Red Dragon!" - Made
9. "My name is...Gladiator!"
10. "Dear Mr. Vernon: We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it is we did wrong, but we think you're crazy for making us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club. "
11. "Last week, Japanese scientists explaced... placed explosive detonators at the bottom of Lake Loch Ness to blow Nessie out of the water. Sir Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance summoned the help of Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its local residents and all those who seek for the peaceful existence of our underwater ally. " - Napoleon Dynamite
That's my list so far.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Proposed funding cuts for public broadcasting!
The vote is scheduled to take place on the floor of the House of Rep's on June 22nd. If you are a fan of public broadcasting and would like to see it continue, please contact your legistlators. For more information, go to
Below are some message points I copied from the MPR website.
Message Points
The following message points may be helpful as you draft an e-mail or prepare for a phone call to your Senators and Representatives:
- Support restoration of funding for FY 2006 that is equal to current funding.
- Support reinstatement of two-year advance funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a funding mechanism that protects program creation from political influence.
- Oppose the rescission of advanced funding already earmarked for stations by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
- Oppose the elimination of the vitally important Public Telecommunications Facilities Program.
- Oppose the elimination of funding for public broadcasting's digital transition.
- Oppose the elimination of irreplaceable early-learning initiatives, such as public television's Ready to Learn.
- Oppose the elimination of funds to renew and replace public television's satellite interconnection system.
- These proposed funding cuts will have a severe impact on public radio and public television stations, especially those serving rural and minority audiences.
- Many of these stations are the primary sources of news, information, public safety and cultural programming to their communities.
Teddy Ruxpin is Back!
Check out the article:
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Guantanamo Bay Prison scandals
We, as Americans, are obligated to open our eyes and review the image that we are projecting on the world. Being the wealthiest, most powerful nation in the world comes with responsibility. If we are to be the model and inspiration for freedom and democracy for the world over, perhaps we should value the cruciality of a positive image in the field of international politics. I question how much more needs to be "leaked" before we, as a nation, address such matters with responsibility and maturity.
For a great read, pick up "Why do people hate America?" by Ziauddin Sardar, Merryl Wyn Davies. The book gives a clear and insightful view into the history of America's foreign policy and how it is interpreted by other nations.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Anyone shop at Kowalski's?
Free Stuff! Twin Cities Free Market
To read the feature article in the Star Trib, go to:
To visit the Twin Cities Free Market webpage, go to:
For more about Eureka Recycling, go to:
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Stolen Road Signs - 420 Street
Cannabis connotation makes some rural road signs vanish
Chuck Haga, Star Tribune
June 7, 2005 POT0607
Far out from Minneapolis, along country lanes in southern Minnesota, there are signs of a drug problem.
Well, the thing is, the signs are gone. That's the problem. And it's because of weed.
Not weeds. Weed. Or maybe you call it grass, or pot, or Mary Jane, or reefer.
Or 420.
In several southern Minnesota counties where rural street grids use big numbers, remote road signs marking 420th Avenue or 420th Street have gone missing. Same with 420th Lane. County crews replace them -- at $80 or more a shot -- and the new signs disappear.
"They put them up on Friday and by Monday they're gone," said Brad Milbrath, chief deputy for the Waseca County Sheriff's Office. "It costs quite a bit of money and a lot of time."
The number 420 has been slang for marijuana at least since the 1970s, but even regular pot smokers offer only hazy explanations for its origins.
The number is not police code for a marijuana arrest, a sociologist who researched it told the Philadelphia Inquirer in 2001, as the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws began its annual conference on April 20.
It isn't the number of chemical compounds in marijuana, or a Grateful Dead address in San Francisco, or the time of day when guitarist Jerry Garcia died. It doesn't represent a passage from the Bible "or tea time in Amsterdam, where pot is legal," the Inquirer reported.
Whatever, Waseca County said, and renamed 420th to 42Xth. The new signs have stayed put for a week, Milbrath said, and yes, he's holding his breath.
Other counties using similar street grids -- and facing similar losses -- also are weighing responses.
Despite the many losses, "we haven't recovered any," an exasperated Milbrath said. "That surprises us. We just haven't found the right places where people have taken them and put them on their walls."
Saturday, June 4, 2005
New atlas shows mankind's stamp on the environment
Friday, June 3, 2005
Thursday, June 2, 2005
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Think Global 2005
One of the especially interesting features of the series was a speech by Thomas Friedman called "Globalization and the World's Poor." He discussed many of the points in his new book, The World is Flat. Check it out if you have a chance.
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
MN Constitutional Marriage Amendment Re-Introduced
Below is a copy of Outfront MN's recent action alert email. The House of Reps just re-introduced the marriage amendment bill. It may not be likely that it will actually be voted on, considering the plethora of other pressing issues that needs to be resolved in the special session, but it is still important to voice our opinions to our legistlators.
For more info on Outfront MN, go to
Constitutional Amendment Re-introduced in Special Session
On Thursday, May 26th, the Minnesota House of Representatives re-introduced the constitutional amendment to bar all legal recognition of same-sex couples. Bills from the regular session that do not pass in both the House and Senate do not carry over into special session. Any bill to be considered during the special session must be reintroduced. The supporters re-introduced the anti-marriage amendment to ensure that the constitutional amendment is included in the debate as the House, Senate, and Governor attempt to reach conclusion on a number of pressing issues.
Two different authors introduced bills containing the same language on Thursday: House File (HF) 8 and HF12. The language and scope of HF8 and HF12 are identical to the anti-marriage amendment that passed the House on March 31st by a 77 to 56 vote. The amendments being discussed would deny all legal recognition to same-sex couples and their families, including marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships.
Once again, legislators need to hear from Minnesotans who are opposed to discrimination and believe that the Constitution should never be used to enshrine second-class status for GLBT people or anyone else.
Take Action!!
Call or email your legislators with the following message: "Please oppose the constitutional amendment to ban civil unions, marriage, and all other forms of legal protection for same-sex couples. This amendment mandates discrimination for some of Minnesota families and it distracts legislators from reaching resolution on pressing issues that affect the quality of life for all of our state's families."
Help us get the word out to others. Forward this message to your friends.
The HF 8 authors:
Rep. Mike Beard (R-Shakopee)
Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Delano)
Rep. Sondra Erickson (R-Princeton)
Rep. Mary Liz Holberg (R-Lakeville)
Rep. Dan Severson (R-Sauk Rapids)
Rep. Judy Soderstrom (R-Mora)
Rep. Lynn Wardlow (R-Eagan)
HF 12 authors:
Rep. Larry Howes (R-Walker)
Rep. Jim Knoblach (R-St. Cloud)
Rep. Phil Krinkie (R-Shorview)
Rep. Andy Westerberg (R-Blaine)
All for now, Toodelz!