Friday, December 19, 2008
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!
--Rudyard Kipling
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Hot, Flat, and Crowded
Sit back, grab a cup of tea, and take a listen to Friedman:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Like a Rose as an Orchid
All intense and kinetic, at best tolerated from afar
Not yet arrested, and by that I mean betrothed
Though a start I am newly courted
I've just not been trusted with alters
I'm a sweet piece of work, well intentioned yet disturbed
Wrongly label-ed and under-fed, treated like a rose as an orchid
My friends, as they weigh in, get understandably protective
They have a hard time being objective
So inside we cancel each other out
I'm a sweet piece of work, well intentioned and unloved
Unlabeled and misunderstood, treated like a rose as an orchid
You've brought water to me, making sure my bloom rebounds
You know best of what my special care allows
So I've lived in my blind spot
Thought myself usual when I'm not
And your garden is a nice spot
As long as it is brave and where you are
For this sweet piece of work, high maintenance and deserted
I've been different and deserving, treated like a rose as an orchid
Sweet piece of work, overwhelmed un-observed
I've been bowed down to but so misread
Treated like a rose as an orchid
"Orchid" lyrics by Alanis Morissette
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
60 years ago, a Universal Declaration....
Take a look at the video posted below, courtesy of the Human Rights Action Center. Read the many rights established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
What do each of these mean to you?
How many of the rights are actually extended to you?
How many are not?
How much longer until we all treat each other as the lovely equals that we are?
Will it be another 60 years?
Will it be more?
It will be only as long as it takes for us to decide it to be so.
Just think, the world could wake up tomorrow and say, "Ahhh. Today, things will be different."
How amazing would that be?
In hope!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Australia Always Makes Me Laugh
WTF, Mate?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
America has spoken

I woke up this morning with a sense of pride and optimism that I must admit I have never felt in all the years of my politically-aware life. Never, until today, have I truly understood and seen the proof of the great promise America has to offer it's citizens. Never before have I truly, truly felt proud and trusting of the American public. And most of all, never before have I felt this optimistic of my generation and of my future. We've found the light at the end of the tunnel. For so long I waited for that light to appear, searching aimlessly and blind in the dark for any slight glimmer I might be able to catch a glimpse of. Today that light has been found. The end of the tunnel is near and the light on the other side is bright and warm and welcoming.
I am so hopeful. And I am so proud. I am so excited that my generation has finally found that defining moment we will always look back on and say, "There. Right there. That was the moment we realized the future was ours." And I am so humbled to see how far we have come as a country. We have reached up and reached out and took hold of the dreams and hopes of our founding fathers, of our great-grandparents and ancestors, and of so many who dedicated their lives to the hope that one day, ONE DAY, we would be a country of American citizens equal amongst each other and our government.
Not only did we elect the first African-American President, but we also made our voices heard on some of the most hot-button issues of our time. Colorado and South Dakota voted to protect a woman's right to choose, and Michigan voted to permit stem cell research in the hopes of finding cures to some of the most deadly diseases we encounter. Washington voted to allow physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill adults. And, especially dear to me, Minnesota voted to protect our environment and arts by guaranteeing steady funding to these causes.
But it does not end there. While this day is a most victorious one for so many Americans and for the world at large, there is still a long way to go. A mere 51% majority of California voters elected to write discrimination into their state constitution by denying marriage rights to same sex couples. Of this I am ashamed. Moreover, Florida and Arizona als voted yesterday to amend their constitutions to restrict same-sex couples from marriage. Arkansas voted to prohibit unmarried couples to adopt children. We are in the midst of a failing ecomony. We are a country still at war.
And yet, despite these things, we have hope.
Congratulations, America. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life. Let's make it great.
Friday, October 31, 2008
30 Reasons
Check out a great Internet campaign called 30 Reasons. It's an effort to get-out-the-Obama-vote which has enlisted 30 graphic designers with one simple mission: use design to portray a reason to vote Barack. Each day, a new poster is shared, giving one more argument in the pro-Obama arena.
I love the 30 days campaign because it is so simple, effective, and to the point. Each day a new design is posted for the world to see. And that's it. One image per day. Nothing more, nothing less. Can you imagine if this was the way our candidates campaigned, rather than the endless and intelligence-insulting TV ads, harassing phone calls, and radio commercials we are all bombarded with this time of year? Imagine driving down the road and seeing one of these billboards as you enjoy your morning commute. Or how about, instead of entire commercial breaks dedicated to obnoxious campaign commercials, there was just a simple, 10-second, audio-less image flashed on the screen, and then back to programming as usual? Instead of those wasteful campaign mailers that have been hijacking my mailbox, wouldn't it be great to get a simple postcard, with one of these artistic designs, to greet you among your bills and junk? It's like free art right in your mail box. You could even collect it, tack it to your wall, and create a mini-gallery right there in your living room. It'd be like a political debate with no words. That would be awesome.
A few of my favorites for your viewing pleasure:

I encourage you to check out the 30 Days campaign and take a look at the rest of the great designs these artists have submitted. There's a lot of awesome posters, (30 days worth, in fact), and even more reasons to cast your vote for Barack.
Print them out, paste them up on your wall or cubicle, set them as your desktop background, whatever your little heart desires. And vote on Nov 4th.
Lessons of the Sigmoid Curve

Michael Miles, in his article, describes the stages of the curve, and the subsequent "S" shape it emulates. The first stage of the curve, the learning curve, is when the curve slowly begins to increase. This is a frustrating phase, because the upward-motion requires much hard work with seemingly-little immediate payoff.
The second stage, the Growth Phase, is when that hard work begins to bear some fruit. Times are good during this phase. All that hard work has paid off and things are going great. It's a period of prosperity and abundance. But we all know that all good things must eventually come to an end.
That leaves us with the decline phase. As the "S" begins to take a downward spiral, prosperous times become more scarce and hard work once again does not produce immediate results. It is at this time, Miles explains, that one should learn to recognize when their sigmoid curve is reaching decline, and use that as an opportunity to move to a new curve which is on the up-and-up. He writes, "Successful individuals and organizations are self-reflective and constantly monitor their own position on the Sigmoid curve. However, to be truly successful is to go even further – it is to jump off the current curve when it is nearing its peak and start on the bottom of another curve." So, essentially, curve-surfing is the secret to success.
That makes me think of the election and how, as we all know by now, change is the new big thing and we all want a piece of it. America's sigmoid curve is on the decline. I don't think that's hard to argue. Look at our economy, our unemployment rate, the war we aren't winning, and the state of our education system. No matter if you are Republican, Democrat, Green or none-of-the-above, I think we can all agree that we need a change. Its time for us to jump on a new curve. Our current curve is on the downward spiral and we need to recognize it, before it's too late. We only have a small window of opportunity for ditching our current curve and making home on a new one. That new curve has a name. I like to call it Barack Obama.
I'm jumping to the Obama curve on Nov 4th. I hope to see you there.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Quarter-Life Quandry
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
Slow it down
make it stop
or else my heart is going to pop
'cuz it's too much
Yeah, it's a lot
to be something I'm not
I'm a fool
out of love
'cuz I just can't get enough
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show
The sun is hot
in the sky
just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the sign
and synchronize in time
It's a joke
Nobody knows
they've got a ticket to that show
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I dont know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show
oh oh
Just enjoy the show
oh oh
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I dont know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show
dum de dum
dudum de dum
Just enjoy the show
dum de dum
dudum de dum
Just enjoy the show
I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show
I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show"
Summed up nicely, Lenka.
P.S. These lyrics are from a song called "The Show" by Lenka, whose first album is being released in the US on Sep. 23rd. Check her stuff out, she's pretty nifty.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hide or Seek
I will not see things in just black or white.
My world is more than hues of grey.
I embrace the spectrum of both night a day.
I demand choice and
for it I want respect
I will speak my mind.
I cannot be silenced.
I have already started my trek,
please guide me and keep me company.
I will venture off your path sometimes
as my own intersects
Always a way back to-
I love my country
(and yours).
I am not apathetic.
I have not lost hope in my generation
(or yours).
17...18...19...and a half...
My decision will be influenced.
I am the future.
Ready or not, Here I come.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Kidney stones, underage girls, buttafaces, and dissing Uranus
Then, August came and the Olympics pretty much consumed my life. I stay up late to watch the games and then am a zombie during the day cuz I got so little sleep. What's not to love? There's the 14 year old gymnasts, WTF-scoring from 'cough-cough-ahem-biased-cough' judges, cute little girls with ugly little voices (and vice versa) and a buttaface god-swimmer-man, who could resist? Heck, they ought to give me a gold medal for crazy-obsessive-olympic-watching. I'd so win that shit.
(btw, I'm trying to come up with a male-version of the term "butta face"...ya know, like, "shes hot but-her-face." Whats a male equivalent called? Ummm..'Michael Phelps' is all I can come up with right now).
So anyways. That just about brings us to the present.
I was reading Perez today and he posted the below excerpt regarding Madonna's upcoming World Tour. Man, props to that woman for being 50 and still totally smokin and actually RELEVANT, but the carbon footprint and excessive waste she's got goin' ain't so kewl.
Read on my dearies:
"And, in anticipation of the first show on Saturday, the Queen of Pop's publicist has just released this most amazing list of stats and info on the new world tour.
It states:
"3500 Number of individual wardrobe elements for tour
653 Hours of rehearsal time for Madonna and band
250 Number of travelling personnel
200 Triangle sponges used to apply makeup
180 Q-Tips used for entire tour (3 per night)
120 Powder puffs
100 Pairs of out of stock fishnet, pantyhose in old style weave,
purchased for Madonna via ebay and local dance shops
100 Pairs of kneepads
69 Guitars
36 Different Designers contributed to the onstage wardrobe
30 Wardrobe Trunks travel to each venue
28 Maximum number of performers onstage
20 Nationalities represented in touring stuff (including Japanese, Israeli, Russian, Romanian, Australian and Algerian)
18 Racks of Clothing for Band, dancers and gypsies
16 Caterers
12 Seamstresses working non stop in Cardiff to finish
costumes for opening night
12 Travelling trampolines used in training by Madonna and dancers
10 Large flight cases of medical supplies
10 Number of guitars Madonna will travel with
9 Number of people working in wardrobe department
8 Major Madonna Costume changes
5 Number of people it takes to change Madonna into next
5 Keyboards on stage for Kevin Antunes, Musical Director
4 Large freezers to carry ice packs for Madonna and dancers
4 YSL Lipsticks will cover entire tour
3 Romanian gypsy musicians playing acoustic instruments
3 Racks of Clothing contain Madonna's stage wardrobe
3 Shu Uemura eyelash curlers
2 Rigs for DJ set up
2 Stages
1.5 Minutes - Shortest time required to change Madonna's costumes between numbers
1 Chiropractor
1 Personal trainer
1 Masseuse
1 Set of Swarovski crystal ear phones for DJ
Madonna's Sticky & Sweet Tour Kicks Off This Saturday In Cardiff
Madonna, currently putting the finishing touches to her fabulous new Sticky & Sweet Show in Cardiff, is readying herself and the 250 travelling personnel for the opening night this Saturday at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium.
Hot on the diamante shaped heels of her phenomenally successful' Hard Candy' disc, 'Sticky & Sweet' promises two pulsating hours of non stop hits in a show that features 16 dancers, a 12 piece band, more than 8 costume changes for the lady herself and £l million of Swarovski crystals."
Ok, so I am still trying to figure out what her publicist was thinking. Is this supposed to be a good thing? Only thing I can figure out is that said publicist was trying to get the point out that Madonna is pretty big stuff. As if the whole world doesn't already know that. Like, we didn't get the memo or something. I'm told it was stuck in the pile with the TPS reports. Anyways, I suppose if you are Madonna's publicist you have to just create shit to occupy your time, because, really...what else is there to do? She's already a friggin one-woman empire.Anywho, getting to my point, I promise. I get that Madonna is crazy-famous and all, but what's the message here? Like, being the biggest pop star on the face of the planet isn't enough for you, Madonna? You tryin' to prove it to Mars or Uranus or something? (haha..uranus!) Maybe Madonna felt a little one-upped by the fantastical eye pleasing awesomeness that was the Beijing opening ceremony and now she's gonna try to show them who's boss. Girl's gotta represent. 50 is the new...umm...50.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
A Treehugger from the start

Here's a photo of me from back in the day. I just planted my very own tree (Ok fine, I had some assistance from Grandpa, but the plastic bucket and shovel is ALL mine). To this day, the tree still stands. While we have since moved and no longer live on the property the tree was planted, I still drive by my old backyard every once in a while to see 'my tree'. Every year it is a bigger, bolder, and stronger version of it's previous self. It has now become a substantial refuge and home for birds, squirrels, and other furry friends, as well as the home to one of my most cherised childhood memories.
If I could go and give that tree a big hug, I would. (I don't, for fear of the fact that I would be tresspassing on some new family's backyard, groping a tree, and that would be kinda creepy), but I get to drive by from time to time and admire from afar. And every time, I am reminded of the proud sense of accomplishment and awe I felt that very morning I planted the tree.
Moral of the story: Parents, plant a tree with your kids. It will provide for many great memories, time to bond as a family, and teach your kids (and yourself) about the awesomeness that is the world around us. I still look back on that day, and on that tree, with smile.
Do it for the children, and do it for the trees. Everybody wins!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Get Globally Naturalized
The Global Mind
Don't brush off the coolness. I'm an internet nerd and totally proud of it.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Who loves recyclable shoes?

Every girl loves herself a cute pair of shoes, and I must admit I am now one of them. ( I actually blogging about shoes? Anyways, Oka B sandals have become my new faves. These sandals are the coolest things ever. Not only are they super comfy, easily washable (dishwasher, folks!) and totally cute; they also have some mad reflexology skillz (check out their website and read about your soon-to-be new best friends, the fancy little refloxology beads on the soles of the shoes). But the BEST, BEST part is that you can actually send your old and used pairs back to the company, who will ground and mix the recycled shoe material into brand new sandals for other folk. Cute shoes, happy feet, snazzy colors to brighten your day, and less old shoes in the landfills. What more could a girl ask for?
In other news, something I learned today was that one should always, always check the weather forecast for windy-ness before one decides to wear her cute little wrap dress.
And, much to my dismay, apparently cheesy-ass pick up lines are also still quite popular. Hum. The mystery continues.
Thankfully, the latter two events were entirely unrelated :)
The grass is always greener, and the stars are always brighter...
On a bed of California stars
I'd like to lay my weary bones tonight
On a bed of California stars
I'd love to feel
Your hand touching mine
And tell me why
I must keep working on
Yes I'd give my life
To lay my head tonight
on a bed
Of California stars
I'd like to dream
My troubles all away
On a bed of California stars
Jump up from my starbed
Make another day
Underneath my California stars
They hang like grapes
On vines that shine
And warm the lovers' glass
Like friendly wine
So I'd give this world
Just to dream a dream with you
On our bed of
California stars
I'd like to rest my heavy head tonight
On a bed of California stars
I'd like to lay my weary bones tonight
On a bed of California stars
I'd love to feel
Your hand touching mine
And tell me why
I must keep working on
Yes I'd give my life
To lay my head tonight
on a bed
Of California stars
I'd like to dream
My troubles all away
On a bed of California stars
Jump up from my starbed
Make another day
Underneath my California stars
They hang like grapes
On vines that shine
And warm the lovers' glass
Like friendly wine
So I'd give this world
Just to dream a dream with you
On our bed of California stars
So I'd give this world
Just to dream a dream with you
On our bed of California stars
California Stars by Billy Bragg & Wilco
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I have a crush on the iPod touch
A few weeks ago I got my stimulus check, and a few weeks before that Apple yet again offered their back-to-school special, buy a macbook and get an iPod and printer for free. Coincidence? Not in my mind! Moreover, what kind of an American would I be if I didn't go and just stimulate the hell out of the economy? Exactly. So that's just what I did. I 'thought not what my country could do for me, but what I could do for my country.' And for Apple. And for myself. See, everybody wins. Well, except for the gazillion-dollar-debt we have as a country. But other than that, score!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
The day the sun stands still
Go burn a bonfire, dance and sing and be merry. We are the closest to the sun we'll be all year.
Enjoy the summer and all the brightness it will bring.
Party and celebrate this big crazy spinning ball we call home.
Get dizzy.
Sing an ode to the sun.
Revel in the bright shining ball of light that unites all cultures and peoples from all times past and all those yet to come.
Dance in it's rays
Enjoy it's warmth
Draw life from it's light.
The cycle of life is a beautiful one.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Obama people are cool
Party Like Barack Does
Baby Got Barack
Yes We Can by
I Got a Crush....on Obama
The Barack Song
I'm totally lovin' the fact that so many people are getting SO inspired. Party on, kids!
Go people!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Tree is a wise old thing
Sink your roots deeply into the Earth
Reflect the light of a greater source
Think long term
Go out on a limb
Remember your place among all living beings
Embrace with joy the changing seasons
For each yields its own abundance:
The Energy and Birth of Spring
The Growth and Contentment of Summer
The Wisdom to let go of leaves in the Fall
The Rest and Quiet Renewal of Winter.
- LLan Shamir, Advice from a Tree

By sinking its roots deeply into the earth,
by accepting the rain that flows towards it,
by reaching out to the sun, the tree perfects its character and becomes great.
Absorb, absorb, absorb. That is the secret of the tree.
-Deng Ming-Dao, Everyday Tao
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Score one for Alanis
Scarlett Ho-hansen (yes, that was intentional) may have the man, but at least Alanis has the music career. (Clearly not so for Scarlett, in case you've read that she is attempting a music career).
Score one for Alanis. Score none for Ho-hansen.
p.s. Whats so great about this Ryan Reynolds guy anyways???
Friday, June 6, 2008
all in a room
fasten our belts
engage in dialogue
we'd all slow down
rest without guilt
not lie without fear
disagree sans judgement
we would stay and respond and expand and include
and allow and forgive and enjoy and evolve
and discern and inquire and accept and admit and divulge and
open and reach out and speak up
This is utopia
this is my utopia
This is my ideal
my end in sight
this is my utopia
This is my nirvana
My ultimate
We'd open our arms
we'd all jump in
we'd all coast down into safety nets
we would share and listen and support and welcome
be propelled by passion
not invest in outcomes
we would breathe and be charmed and amused by difference
be gentle and make room for every emotion
we'd provide forums
we'd all speak out
we'd all be heard
we'd all feel seen
we'd rise post-obstacle more defined more grateful
we would heal be humbled
and be unstoppable
we'd hold close and let go and know when to do which
we'd release and disarm and stand up and feel safe
this is utopia
this is my utopia
this is my ideal, my end in sight
this is my utopia
this is my nirvana
my Ultimate"
Utopia - Lyrics by Alanis Morissette
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
...and this is why I support Obama
Friday, May 30, 2008
Where I am is a Place to Be

I've been on many a lonely car trip lately, and have allowed my mind to wander. I'm rediscovering the excitement of the small epiphanies that shoot into my mind while driving. The road has a mysterious way of clearing my thoughts and opening up a channel to reflection and deeper thought. One my drive home today, the channel opened yet again and a humble slice of knowledge slid it's way down the slope and into my mind. I realized that the place I am is exactly the Place I need to be. Not necessarily the physical place, mind you, but the mental, spiritual, and emotional place I find myself in at the current time. It wasn't so much that moment when the cosmos align and suddenly confirm to you that your life is on the right path. No, it was more-so a discovery that where I am in space, time, and spirit is a beneficial and fulfilling place for me at the present moment, and it will propel me into finding the next Place I am to be in life.
Each Place, neither necessarily good nor bad, has it's reasons. I may not know what those reasons are, but I trust that I will discover those reasons in due time.
Perhaps even more important is the realization that everyone else is also in the Place they are supposed to be. It is most likely not the same place I am, but that is ok. The place you are is where you are supposed to be, and there is a reason you are there and a reason you will move on to a new place evevntually. I am not to judge why you are at the place you are, or even judge that place itself. It is simply a place you need to be and I am a in a place I need to be.
Chill, relax, and take in everything that is the place you are. I will do the same.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Storm in the Calm
All is in balance and forever chaos. And to that, I too will sleep.
The Geek in the Pink
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Holy nuggets, batman, is that a blog I see?
Yah, somehow over the past year it grew legs, discovered its voice, and started nagging me incessantly. Weird.
Anyways. Back to me (some things will never change). I decided that this writers block that I've suffered for so long has got to come to an end. It's not that I've lacked inspiration or idea. Oh no. It's more that these thoughts and ideas rushing through my synapses at Mach-10 oddly dissipate just as I attempt to push them from the comfort of my mind towards the outside world. Sorta like my thoughts are all sorts of new colors, shapes, sounds and scents that I recognize in my own mind but have yet to learn of the word that best define them. Either that, or my lexicon has just completely gone to shit. But I prefer the former.
So that's my story for the past year. And now I'm striving to let those ideas maintain form while finding an outlet to make them known.
That may be through song lyrics that sear from my ear directly to my blood, or a film that encapsules a story more brilliant than I could ever dream. Or even, perhaps from the unexpected introduction to a being I've never met but feel strangely interconnected with.
That, and I gotta get less wordy. More matter, less fart.