Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Holy nuggets, batman, is that a blog I see?

Yah, I'm back. It's been over a year. And what has happened in that year? Everything and nothing, chaos and calm, all at the same time. I upped and decided that my new goal-of-the-moment is going to be to pay more attention to that little voice in my head, echoing out from the dusty and dark corners, otherwise known as my neglected and unforgiving blog.

Yah, somehow over the past year it grew legs, discovered its voice, and started nagging me incessantly. Weird.

Anyways. Back to me (some things will never change). I decided that this writers block that I've suffered for so long has got to come to an end. It's not that I've lacked inspiration or idea. Oh no. It's more that these thoughts and ideas rushing through my synapses at Mach-10 oddly dissipate just as I attempt to push them from the comfort of my mind towards the outside world. Sorta like my thoughts are all sorts of new colors, shapes, sounds and scents that I recognize in my own mind but have yet to learn of the word that best define them. Either that, or my lexicon has just completely gone to shit. But I prefer the former.

So that's my story for the past year. And now I'm striving to let those ideas maintain form while finding an outlet to make them known.
That may be through song lyrics that sear from my ear directly to my blood, or a film that encapsules a story more brilliant than I could ever dream. Or even, perhaps from the unexpected introduction to a being I've never met but feel strangely interconnected with.

That, and I gotta get less wordy. More matter, less fart.

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