I've been on many a lonely car trip lately, and have allowed my mind to wander. I'm rediscovering the excitement of the small epiphanies that shoot into my mind while driving. The road has a mysterious way of clearing my thoughts and opening up a channel to reflection and deeper thought. One my drive home today, the channel opened yet again and a humble slice of knowledge slid it's way down the slope and into my mind. I realized that the place I am is exactly the Place I need to be. Not necessarily the physical place, mind you, but the mental, spiritual, and emotional place I find myself in at the current time. It wasn't so much that moment when the cosmos align and suddenly confirm to you that your life is on the right path. No, it was more-so a discovery that where I am in space, time, and spirit is a beneficial and fulfilling place for me at the present moment, and it will propel me into finding the next Place I am to be in life.
Each Place, neither necessarily good nor bad, has it's reasons. I may not know what those reasons are, but I trust that I will discover those reasons in due time.
Perhaps even more important is the realization that everyone else is also in the Place they are supposed to be. It is most likely not the same place I am, but that is ok. The place you are is where you are supposed to be, and there is a reason you are there and a reason you will move on to a new place evevntually. I am not to judge why you are at the place you are, or even judge that place itself. It is simply a place you need to be and I am a in a place I need to be.
Chill, relax, and take in everything that is the place you are. I will do the same.