Saturday, January 3, 2009

Heeding Life's Lessons

I'm not one much for New Year's resolutions, although I do wholly support the idea of reflecting on one's life and making goals for positive changes in the future. I do, however, find the act of making resolutions quite intriguing. If, for only a small part of the entire year, we can, as a whole society, collectively turn inward and focus on positivity and change, then I'm all for it.

As 2008 bid farewell and 2009 abruptly introduced itself, I too found myself both reflecting on the past year and thinking forward towards the year to come. I started to wonder, if I were to make a New Year's resolution this year, what would it be? I think part of my problem is that I can't decide on just one thing. I have a laundry list of things I would like to accomplish, places I would like to see, attributes I would like to learn to embody, and so on. But how to choose just one?

It was then that I came across this post, 16 Things I Wish They Taught Me in School, courtesy of The Positivity Blog, that I began to rethink the idea of resolutions. Instead of making just one resoution, why not try to embody some of these principles and ideas every day, in whatever ways that I can?

So perhaps that is my resolution. Pay more attention to life's little lessons. Heed the wisdom of others. Don't hold back. Take the plunge. Be who you are. Take in whatever this new year offers me, and make the most of it.

End of story. Nice to meet you, 2009. Let's be the best of friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really interesting!