In August 2007, I'll be participating in a special event called the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk. Over the course of 3 days, I will walk over 60 miles to raise money for breast cancer research and initiatives.
My mission:
I will walk for breast cancer.
I will walk in memory of all women who have not survived the struggle against breast cancer.
I will walk in honor of all those who have.
I will walk in support of all those who are currently fighting against the disease.
I will walk for all women.
I will walk for hope.
I will walk for strength.
I will walk for courage.
I will walk for a brighter future.
I will walk for the promise of a cure.
Because everyone deserves a lifetime, I will walk.
According to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, approximately 200,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and nearly 40,000 will die from the disease. Breast cancer is a leading cause of death among women in the country.
That's why I'm walking so far. To do something bold about breast cancer. If you are interested in supporting my efforts, please visit my fundraising headquarters at the link listed below. Any little bit helps. Please keep in mind how far I'll be walking - and how hard I'll have to train.
For your wife, your sister, your mother, your friend, and you.........I will walk.