I am really quite speechless in the face of the devastation and tragedy going on in the South. My heart goes out to everyone in New Orleans and all those who have been affected by the Katrina storm.
I could choose to write a long post on my reactions to the storm and flooding. Instead, I will focus only on what we can do to help.
From now through September 30, visit a Best Buy store and make a donation to the American Red Cross for Katrina relief. Best Buy will match all in-store and online donations, up to $1 million dollars.
KARE 11 is teaming with a local organization, Hope for the City, to collect food, water, and personal hygeine products to be shipped to the hurricane refugees. Collection sites are the Mall of America, Edina Realty, and certain Car-X stores. Go to
http://www.kare11.com/news/katrina/hopeforthecity.aspx for more info.
Minnesota Helpers is a brand-new website established for the preparation of the 3,000+ Katrina refugees that will be temorarily re-settled in Minnesota. Go to
http://www.minnesotahelpers.com/ to make a donation, offer to volunteer yourself or your vehicle for transportation needs, offer your home as a shelter for Katrina survivors, or offer to volunteer your time.